Developer urges investment in Abuja Centenary City project

Abuja-based developer, Pwan Max Property, has called for more investment in Abuja Centenary City, assuring that the move will benefit investors in the long-term.

The firm has also started construction of new apartments and other structures in the city to boost home ownership in the nation’s capital.

Speaking at the signing ceremony for the Max Grove project located in the city, the Chairman Pwan Max Property, Dr. Augustine Onwumere, said the journey began six months ago, having studied the economic importance of the project.

He urged stakeholders to invest in the city, which is a meeting point of value and glamour.

“The district where we are constructing apartments is called Maxgrove. This is a new dawn for us because history has been made as the first firm to move to the site to build the proto-type. Centenary City will benefit all investors. Already, we have created an economic city in Lagos,” he said.

Culled from:

By Cornelius Essen, Abuja

29 August 2022 | 1:50 am

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